Developer: Team 17
Publisher: THQ
Released on: September 4th, 2007
System: Nintendo DS and PSP
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
Review based on: Retail Copy of the DS version.
Official Site
The Scoop: Forget that Worms 3D ever happened, go back to basics and make sure you do it right.
Hitting Start...
- The fonts looks really bad, it's almost unreadable, and the graphics aren't all that great. I've seen better for sure, but it's Worms so it doesn't have to look like Gears of War.
- I start the tutorial and slowly work thru the basic game mechanics, and it all seems to work the way it should and how I remember...
- ...I actually start up a game and quickly realize that this is Worms Armageddon for the PC, but on my DS. Perfect.
- Using the bazooka has the same foibles it used to have in Worms Armageddon where you'd want to shoot at an oblique angle and end up shooting a pixel of landscape right at your own feet.
- I commit suicide a few times in the first game of the campaign.... yeah, there's a solo campaign in this game.
- Even better than a campaign, there's a ton of options and menus everywhere for all sorts of good stuff, including multiplayer, woot!
- The more I play the more I'm thinking this is the best possible adaptation of Worms Armageddon that could be done for the DS.
- I have a battle that is two on one, versus a boss type worm with tons of hit points. I'm so not-good at this game that I can't kill him after three tries. This is not an easy game in spite of its happy-go-lucky style.
- After 5 hours of gameplay (which to be honest has almost entirely been in the bathroom) I'm getting better at aiming and timing grenades and such. I'm also noticing that whenever I really hit the computer controlled worms really well it comes back with a vengeance.
- Fourth try and I lose to the boss worm with both of us in single digit hit points...
"...but I'm still playing!"
Am I impressed? More to the point, I'm relieved.
How come? This isn't another debacle like Worms 3D was. It is instead the 'correct' format for the franchise and is a well executed version thereof. Even though I'm not very good at the game, I don't regret buying it for $30 and look forward to getting my worm ass handed to me online after I finish the (sometimes creative, sometimes not) campaign.